The curriculum has been organised and established in consultation with all teaching staff. It is regularly reviewed and developed in accordance with DfE guidelines, the Strategic School Development Plan, recommendations from OFSTED and following consultation with Governors, children and teaching staff.
For the teaching of Phonics we use Supersonic Phonic Friends. All of our books are banded into colours that match the phonics stages that are being taught.
For more information we would be delighted for you to visit us, please get in touch to arrange a date. Details on the 'Contact Us' page.
Files to Download
End of Year Expectations Year 6 End of Year Expectations Year 5 End of Year Expectations Year 4 End of Year Expectations Year 3 End of Year Expectations Year 2 End of Year Expectations Year 1 End of Year Expectations Reception Art at Norley Geography at Norley RE at Norley Music at Norley Science at Norley RSHE at Norley PE at Norley French at Norley British Values at Norley English at Norley Music Development Plan Computing at Norley DT at Norley History at Norley Maths at Norley