Governor Profiles


 Mr Paul Corbishley - Chair of Governors

Paul Corbishley is a Parent Governor and has a son who attends Norley school, as well as a daughter who is a past pupil.

Paul is a Chartered Engineer, currently working as a Technical Lead at an international bio-pharmaceutical company. He also volunteers as a STEM ambassador to encourage young people with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects. 

Paul is the link governor for Science and ICT.

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Mrs Natalie Eastwood - Foundation Governor


Natalie is a Foundation Governor, member of Norley St John's church and also parent of two children, both of whom attended Norley CE Primary School, but have now moved onto high school. Natalie, her husband and children live in Gorstage and enjoy the outdoors, especially walking and camping.

Having a real interest in teaching and learning, Natalie has worked in Education for many years. She has specific responsibility for SEND, vulnerable groups, pupil admissions, and Design & Technology.



Mrs Vanessa Duffy - Foundation Governor

Vanessa is a Foundation governor, who attends Norley Church.

Before retiring in 2015, Vanessa was a Teaching Assistant for 28 years, the last six here at Norley CE Primary. Consequently she feels a great affinity with the school and has helped out since retirement on numerous trips and at school events.

She has joined the governing body hoping to help in ensuring that all Norley pupils fulfil their potential and feel safe and happy in their school environment.

Vanessa is a committee member at Davenham Theatre and can sometimes be seen treading the boards. She also enjoys walking, reading and travelling.


Mrs Deryn O'Connor - Co-opted Governor

Following a career as a Police Officer in Cheshire Constabulary, Deryn retired in 2011. She has lived in Norley since 1997 and retirement has given her the time and opportunity to become more involved in the village. Deryn is a Parish Councillor, secretary for the Norley Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Group and a trustee for the North West Police Benevolent Fund. 

Deryn has wide experience and skills in recruitment and personnel matters and is the school's Safeguarding and Health & Safety Governor. She feels the school is a vibrant and happy learning environment and considers the governors play a vital role in the school's development. Deryn is married to Simon and enjoys travelling the world with him. In her spare time she jogs and shops.





Mrs Felicity Taylor - Foundation Governor

Felicity is a Foundation Governor who attends St John’s Church in Norley and is also a retired Headteacher of The Queens School, Chester and an EYFS Inspector.

Her background in primary education will enable her to contribute effectively to the Governing Body of this most successful school.

As an experienced school governor she hopes to bring an objective overview to school affairs and looks forward to involving herself in the life of Norley CE school.

Felicity has two young grandchildren who keep her very active and busy and she also enjoys walking and open water swimming.

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Mrs Liz Rodliffe - Foundation Governor

Liz is a Foundation Governor. She is an active member of St John’s Church, Norley, where she has served as the Parochial Church Council’s Honorary Secretary for many years.

Liz hopes to encourage even closer links with the Church by upholding Christian ethos and values. She has experience of local fund raising and charitable work through her association with Northwich Ladies Circle and Tangent.

Liz and her husband live in Delamere Park where she enjoys Iyengar yoga and jointly leads a weekly water-aerobics class. She has two children (and six grandchildren). 


Mr Michael Gough - Foundation Governor

Jennifer Burrell - Foundation Governor


Mrs Helen Kelly - Headteacher

Mrs Kelly is the Headteacher of Norley CE Primary School.

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Miss Lester-Jones - Staff Governor

Miss Lester-Jones is Norley CE Primary School's staff representative.








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